A customer communication startup.
Growing from 15 to 80+ people in a year.
Including their first product designer.
Product designer
Nov 2020 - Currently
How did we startup?
Trengo already has a complex, existing eco system.
Paying customers and a whole company to sell and support it.
The design team however, needed to be built from scratch.
Design system.
Before we got to
the feature flippin’
Color, Typography, Components.
Project one, Analytics
Measure. Learn. Improve.
Improving customer service is an ongoing process.
We provide insights to enable our users to do so.
Not having many constraints, analytics was a great kick-off project to get things rolling in the Trengo kitchen.
See what’s up, in one glance.
Filter out the noise.
Project one, Analytics
Creating our
own internal chat.
Mid pandemic.
Trengo was transferring to "Team Chat", our equivalent of Slack for our internal communication. Expanding our product range for our customers. Using it ourselves every day, we quickly felt a need to improve readability, hierarchy among other issues in the interface.
Shipping fast, but proper.
Project two, Cleaning up essentials
Striking at the right places
We are still in the middle of recruiting our design team at Trengo. With very limited resources, I had to strike where it matters most. Mapping out the onboarding user flow to see which screens required  work first.
Most used channels:
Whatsapp Business
It would take several months to setup the Whatsapp Business API.
The complex and tedious process led to a lot of churn and support effort from our team. The whole flow needed a sweep.
We had to manage expectations.
Guide them through the complete process.
Be brutally honest about the pitfalls and limitations of the business API.
From pain to gain.
Now that the flow is flowing
We created a landing page to increase the traffic it can handle
Setting up and updating your email channels was very, 2007-hotmail.
The existing email settings were described as overwhelming, unclear, and outdated by our users. Making it again very hard for new users to onboard, resulting in churn and staff effort from our support team.
Solutions can be simple.
Sometimes you just gotta reshuffle things.
Clear and accessible settings.
A fresh start which we can be translated throughout all our channels.
What did I learn?
Delivering value with limited resources
Speed is everything in the competitive landscape of a startup. You have to pick your battles. Apply leverage at the right places.
Learning from growth pain
Startups are chaotic. I have had to pick up responsibilities that would be taken care of in a more established team, making me a more well-rounded product designer.
Team Trengo 💚